Trading Card Spotlight

Trading Card Spotlight "Rewind" - Jacob Spring

Posted on | Trading Card Spotlight
By Todd Friedman
Here is a look back at an interview I did with Jacob Spring on October 28th, 2016. Jacob gave an in depth talk on his history of video gaming. A discussion on his world records at the time, and anything video game related. I really was thankful Jacob spent the time he did on this and gave a great informatve interview. Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Jacob Spring, who is displayed on card number 2490, from the Superstars of 2016 Collection.  Jacob is the current world record holder on Metal Slug SuperVehicle-001 with a score of 2,761,200.   Jacob is a huge fan of arc...

Trading Card Spotlight "Rewind" - Isaiah TriForce Johnson

Posted on | Trading Card Spotlight
By Todd Friedman
Here is an interview I did with Isaiah "TriForce" Johnson on April 29, 2016. "TriForce has been a huge force in the ESports world with his Empire Arcadia team winning multiple events and awards. This in depth interview was an honor to do. The...

Trading Card Spotlight "Rewind" - Estel Goffinet

Posted on | Trading Card Spotlight
By Todd Friedman
Here is a look back at an interview I did June 11, 2016. Estel was gracious enough to do this interview and talk about his love for gaming. Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Estel Goffinet, who is displayed on card number 553,  from t...

Science Fiction Trading Card Spotlight - Connie Willis

Posted on | Trading Card Spotlight
By Todd Friedman
Our first Science Fiction Trading Card Spotlight features Connie Willis, who is displayed on card number 29, from the Science Fiction Collection.  Connie is the Nebula and Hugo Award-winning classic books, "Doomsday Book", "To Say Nothing of ...

Science Fiction Trading Card Spotlight - John W. Sorflaten

Posted on | Trading Card Spotlight
By Todd Friedman
Our next Science Fiction Trading Card Spotlight features John W. Sorflaten, who is displayed on card number 362, from the Science Fiction Collection.  John is a world-traveled author who has many  winning proposals, reports, documentary ...
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