When you are in a tournament, it is important to stay comfortable and wear loose fitting clothes. That is what I thought until I met Allen Staal. When he plays in the Kong Off, he is one sharp dressed man.
You have to marvel at Allen's dedication to classic arcade gaming when you realize he travels from Australia to compete. It just goes to show that there is something more to arcades than simply playing games. It is the camaraderie, the sense of belonging, the nostalgia for a simpler time when we all had more hair.
ACAM holds an annual tournament at Funspot in New Hampshire. Of course you knew that!
I have participated in 4 of the last 5 tournaments. They are by far the funnest gaming events I have been to. Around 100 players compete for the highest score o...
What a crazy trip. We traveled from Ottawa to Syracuse to Newark to San Francisco to Los Angeles to Palm Springs to Banning. Only took 22 hours. Long trip, longer story. Part of the trip involved the world's fastest taxi between LA and Palm Spring...
I traveled to Denver Colorado to photograph the KongOff3. Trip of a lifetime!
I went as an official photographer, but I brought my wife Stephanie with me. She had just watched the King of Kong 4 days before, and was very upset with Walter Day and...
In the middle of the coldest February on record, I decided to load up the van and take my wife and kids on a short road-trip to the grand re-opening of Richie Knucklez arcade in Flemington, New Jersey.
Because this was a last minute decision, we ...
When you walk into most any video game arcade today, such as those found in Putt-Putt Fun Center and Chuck E. Cheese’s, you’ll see kids, teenagers, twenty-somethings, and parents milling about nicely carpeted, brightly lit areas, compu...