Dan Tearle is a world renown sports artist who has already won an international following for his hand-drawn illustrations of Joe Montana and other stars of the NFL. As a devoted video game enthusiast, he has volunteered his services again and again to the Walter Day Collection of Video Game & Pinball Trading Cards, creating memorable portraitures of individuals who have earned their place in the electronic gaming history books. To learn more about Dan's work, go to: https://www.facebook.com/dantearlesportsart/
Dan's trading card resume has now grown extensively with 37 differe...
We are proud to announce that there will be a CELEBRITY AUTOGRAPHING SESSION with Beckett Grading Services, Inc., at the Museum of Pinball, in Banning, California, on Saturday, January 16, 2015. This autographing session will be conducted during...
The men who created the first computer programs that supported the birth of the video game industry are rarely honored. Here is a set of cards that brings to light the contributions made by many forgotten men and women. Featuring artwork by Sean (...
Since February, 2011, The Walter Day Collection of Trading Cards has issued trading cards that have honored hundreds of individuals, companies, and organizations for their contributions to world history, the worldwide video game, pinball, and th...
The Houston Arcade Expo—scheduled for the weekend of November 13-14, 2015—will be hosting a Trading Card Awards Ceremony that features cards for Mike Begum, Keni & Josh Jones, Shawne Vinson, William Higinbotham, Mike Wright, plus cards that ...
I am a gamer and a photographer. I always bring my camera to tournaments. Here is a cover I did of me and Miss Weirs Beach. She was a lovely girl, handed out the trophies, played some games. In other words, it was a real treat to meet her.